A JOURNEY TOWARDS THE INNER SOUL Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the totality of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are.
We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we become.
Your true nature is more than a few personality traits, interests and experiences. Beyond all of this we feel a calling, a drive for becoming the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of each human Being. As it is, when reaching this point of your life, the Divine love starts showing up inside of you. No longer will you feel a need for external love coming from another person. Your inner power and love will shine, people will become attracted to your energy field, miracles and bliss becomes part of your daily life.
This is a time of awakening to your full potential, immortality and true Uniqueness.
Such is the nature of your being or "soul" and its purpose is to arise in awakening to its true nature and essence of being so that it may seek complete union or return to that which is the reality of Being.
This website will give you such opportunity to move further along the path of who you now are, by giving you gentle tools that can shift your state of consciousness by aligning to the beauty within yourself.
Listen with your heart rather than your ears. Love for the Self, is the key towards your personal individuality. Criticizing the way people are handling life without understanding the meaning of how Spirit works and stimulates the individual in order to achieve results, will only hurt you. This way your Soul will be living for something or someone, creating a division.
When you choose to live like a flower, releasing your fragrance, your essence, just as it is. You will be living according to your inner purpose. This way you will be at your centre. When your purpose is to serve someone you have selected your centre to be outside your inner shrine.
Your attention will be divided, split, and in time weakened. Eventually you shall be a moon around the earth, rather than the sun itself.
Come ....from your centre
Come ....from your own feeling.
Give of your essence and of your inner wisdom,
so that your light, can continue to be a part
of this process of life. For all to see and to Enjoy.
A.Hart 1992
We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we become.
Your true nature is more than a few personality traits, interests and experiences. Beyond all of this we feel a calling, a drive for becoming the perfect God/Goddess that exists at the core of each human Being. As it is, when reaching this point of your life, the Divine love starts showing up inside of you. No longer will you feel a need for external love coming from another person. Your inner power and love will shine, people will become attracted to your energy field, miracles and bliss becomes part of your daily life.
This is a time of awakening to your full potential, immortality and true Uniqueness.
Such is the nature of your being or "soul" and its purpose is to arise in awakening to its true nature and essence of being so that it may seek complete union or return to that which is the reality of Being.
This website will give you such opportunity to move further along the path of who you now are, by giving you gentle tools that can shift your state of consciousness by aligning to the beauty within yourself.
Listen with your heart rather than your ears. Love for the Self, is the key towards your personal individuality. Criticizing the way people are handling life without understanding the meaning of how Spirit works and stimulates the individual in order to achieve results, will only hurt you. This way your Soul will be living for something or someone, creating a division.
When you choose to live like a flower, releasing your fragrance, your essence, just as it is. You will be living according to your inner purpose. This way you will be at your centre. When your purpose is to serve someone you have selected your centre to be outside your inner shrine.
Your attention will be divided, split, and in time weakened. Eventually you shall be a moon around the earth, rather than the sun itself.
Come ....from your centre
Come ....from your own feeling.
Give of your essence and of your inner wisdom,
so that your light, can continue to be a part
of this process of life. For all to see and to Enjoy.
A.Hart 1992

That voice is my companion and friend. Without that voice I would be lost. My road home would have no meaning. That voice is the most precious possession of my life. It is there where ever I go and whatever I do. It loves me so much. What do I do?
At times I still refuse to fully listen. I go into suffering despair, pain, conflict rather than allow all of my parts to listen. I know it is a whisper. I know silence is needed. Why then do I allow my mind and ego to have the last say?
I remember a long time ago a young man was madly in love with me. My ego and mind got so much in the way by coming up with 100 reasons why it was best not to marry him. I listened to does voices and therefore missed out on a wonderful opportunity towards growth and happiness.
If I was given a chance to redo this opportunity I would definitely say yes, but do I say yes now to similar opportunities that come along? They are not the same { a young man being in love with me} yet they are the same, because that still small voice is asking me to listen with my whole BEING and act upon the message it has.
Since that time I have struggled for many years while learning how to identify the voice of the Soul vs. the mind. It was not easy. My ego loved to keep me confused. The two voices are so different. There is no comparison.
I want to FORGIVE myself for all the times I chose the mind because of fear or other issues such as {not being good enough}.
The soul is so perfect and that voice loves me so much no matter how I look, how old I am or who I am. It just keeps on loving me, speaking to me and waiting for the action connected to the voice, to take place.
Alessandra Hart
At times I still refuse to fully listen. I go into suffering despair, pain, conflict rather than allow all of my parts to listen. I know it is a whisper. I know silence is needed. Why then do I allow my mind and ego to have the last say?
I remember a long time ago a young man was madly in love with me. My ego and mind got so much in the way by coming up with 100 reasons why it was best not to marry him. I listened to does voices and therefore missed out on a wonderful opportunity towards growth and happiness.
If I was given a chance to redo this opportunity I would definitely say yes, but do I say yes now to similar opportunities that come along? They are not the same { a young man being in love with me} yet they are the same, because that still small voice is asking me to listen with my whole BEING and act upon the message it has.
Since that time I have struggled for many years while learning how to identify the voice of the Soul vs. the mind. It was not easy. My ego loved to keep me confused. The two voices are so different. There is no comparison.
I want to FORGIVE myself for all the times I chose the mind because of fear or other issues such as {not being good enough}.
The soul is so perfect and that voice loves me so much no matter how I look, how old I am or who I am. It just keeps on loving me, speaking to me and waiting for the action connected to the voice, to take place.
Alessandra Hart

A long time ago I learnt about the lower self and how it functions. How it can come up with objections as to why not to follow the Higher will. The will of God which is connected to that wonderful part called the Being.
I can continue to object, to the higher Self, with my lower self and follow the lower self, until the day I actually become conscious, of what is happening. It has been a great eye opener to see how fast the mind comes in and creates doubt, fear, and most of all confusion.
What will I do in the future?
First of all I need to find out why the mind wants to play the same type over and over in my mind when it is connected to a long journey?
The only time I can use my higher will is when I take off in the car before the mind starts giving so many suggestions connected to fear. This time I stood still and allowed the mind to come in with its talk. I watched what it was doing and now I will enquire into the discussion and this is what I have found.
The mind automatically picked up thoughts that others were expressing. This happened when I was young, the brain is like a computer that retains programs that are injected into it. Now that I am much older I have the choice to remove any templates or saying that no longer are appropriate to the times that we are living now.
"Fear of travel no longer needs to be an issue." Becoming tied because of travelling is a thought of the past. It is connected to the century when it took a long time to go from one place to the other. Now days a few hundred kilometres is considered as easy as breeding. No need to fear.
Example of a past experience!!! I am finding myself in carriage with two beautiful horses leading the way down the dirt track that lead to the next town. The place called Florida is about 500 miles away from where my family lives. I wanted to go and explore the world not realizing that 500 miles did not include the world. That it was only another state in the country called America.
We are travelling along while I peacefully am taking a nap. Outside is dark and the driver is a reliable male man that people trust and know his professionalizem is admirable. He is loyal to the work that he does. I know that resting will be beneficial since the journey will take a long time. I don’t want to be making excuses, nor feeling guilty because I am sleeping and he is not. I gently convey the idea to the driver and he has no objection to me falling asleep. As we drive along the dirt road all of a sudden the wheel of the carriage hits a rock and it tumbles down the steep hill into a ditch. I was only able to remove the fear experience then today and now travelling will no longer be related to this story of the past. This is how thirty years ago we choose to remove fear or any other emotion connected to a memory in our subconscious mind. Now days energy work is done without having to remember your past.
A.Hart written a long time ago
A long time ago I learnt about the lower self and how it functions. How it can come up with objections as to why not to follow the Higher will. The will of God which is connected to that wonderful part called the Being.
I can continue to object, to the higher Self, with my lower self and follow the lower self, until the day I actually become conscious, of what is happening. It has been a great eye opener to see how fast the mind comes in and creates doubt, fear, and most of all confusion.
What will I do in the future?
First of all I need to find out why the mind wants to play the same type over and over in my mind when it is connected to a long journey?
The only time I can use my higher will is when I take off in the car before the mind starts giving so many suggestions connected to fear. This time I stood still and allowed the mind to come in with its talk. I watched what it was doing and now I will enquire into the discussion and this is what I have found.
The mind automatically picked up thoughts that others were expressing. This happened when I was young, the brain is like a computer that retains programs that are injected into it. Now that I am much older I have the choice to remove any templates or saying that no longer are appropriate to the times that we are living now.
"Fear of travel no longer needs to be an issue." Becoming tied because of travelling is a thought of the past. It is connected to the century when it took a long time to go from one place to the other. Now days a few hundred kilometres is considered as easy as breeding. No need to fear.
Example of a past experience!!! I am finding myself in carriage with two beautiful horses leading the way down the dirt track that lead to the next town. The place called Florida is about 500 miles away from where my family lives. I wanted to go and explore the world not realizing that 500 miles did not include the world. That it was only another state in the country called America.
We are travelling along while I peacefully am taking a nap. Outside is dark and the driver is a reliable male man that people trust and know his professionalizem is admirable. He is loyal to the work that he does. I know that resting will be beneficial since the journey will take a long time. I don’t want to be making excuses, nor feeling guilty because I am sleeping and he is not. I gently convey the idea to the driver and he has no objection to me falling asleep. As we drive along the dirt road all of a sudden the wheel of the carriage hits a rock and it tumbles down the steep hill into a ditch. I was only able to remove the fear experience then today and now travelling will no longer be related to this story of the past. This is how thirty years ago we choose to remove fear or any other emotion connected to a memory in our subconscious mind. Now days energy work is done without having to remember your past.
A.Hart written a long time ago

First came my creation as a soul in the Universe waiting to be conceived.
As I grew up I was helped to identify with that creation. Then at fourteen the big need started of wanting to experience life fully. I now had enough knowledge accumulated from schooling. Now I wanted life itself. I wanted freedom of expression and speech, without feeling guilty for being alive.
The want to experience life first hand rather then books, continued until I was twenty one. Unfortunately the parents interfered a great deal with this freedom that I needed to live without restrictions of any sort. I wanted to develop my intuition and other gifts that were dormant inside my structure, therefore needed freedom of action without judgment.
At twenty-one I started becoming aware that something was different, that there were other forces around me, influencing me and becoming part of my own individuality.
At this point I started watching my feelings and how I reacted towards these forces.
I noticed that the forces were coming from the opinions of others, and that I was a small speck, containing an immensity of knowledge and wisdom within myself.
I noticed that life was there to be lived in a fully conscious way. From twenty one to twenty eight I was able to see a bigger picture of life.
I was able to understand PROJECTION from others and how it interfered with my own freedom of mind. I realised I was moving towards developing adulthood. I was slowly becoming my own light. A light where beauty, truth, health, wisdom where expanding into a transformation of conscious awareness. Only the road was full of bumps and obstacles’ from others and there was no one competent to give the correct advice that I needed so much. The need to experience peace connected to the inner wisdom of my heart was becoming evident.
I was now opening and helping the wheels of the lotus flowers spin in the direction of love. I noticed that the representation of the different chakras within myself had become a symbol of crystal clear water like a cascade in a water fall, flowing and purifying the body. The wisdom about projection and sensitivity that I learnt up to this point, it’s meaning was becoming apparent; that it needed to be observed from a distance with detachment.
“The reflection of your soul upon mine is a mirror of my internal status.” As I get the courage to move aside your reflexion without blame, and look at myself in the comfort of my space, then and only then will I understand its true meaning?
These words were words of wisdom from my higher self. The suggestion took me to the depths of my souls. The projections and other energies kept coming slowly towards me. I was able to see the different angles in which life itself was taking my soul. The plateau the soul was willing to reach by crystallizing and finishing all there was to do on such plateau before expanding into other dimensions, which were available to me.
One afternoon I was working solidifying twenty-eight the year of maturity. The year of total love, the year of beauty, contentment, peace, alliance. I knew that very moment that I was expending the horizons towards truth. I was becoming part of the big picture of life. The light inside myself was a beacon of love and expansion, connected to the full understanding of life and projection. The happiness available to me was now TOTAL. I was an individual connected to the cosmos, connected to the forces of life, with the light within myself shining for me, warming my soul with truth, and expending my heart with love.
My life now had a purpose, the purpose was in full swing and the world vision was clear of what I had come upon this planet to do, and what my next evolutionary step was going to be.
From now on life itself was going to be the teacher I was the vassal with which it was going to flow through. “Welcome adulthood” I said to myself and good bye fear of not knowing what my next step is going to be. All I want is to live the NOW of my 28th birthday.
First came my creation as a soul in the Universe waiting to be conceived.
As I grew up I was helped to identify with that creation. Then at fourteen the big need started of wanting to experience life fully. I now had enough knowledge accumulated from schooling. Now I wanted life itself. I wanted freedom of expression and speech, without feeling guilty for being alive.
The want to experience life first hand rather then books, continued until I was twenty one. Unfortunately the parents interfered a great deal with this freedom that I needed to live without restrictions of any sort. I wanted to develop my intuition and other gifts that were dormant inside my structure, therefore needed freedom of action without judgment.
At twenty-one I started becoming aware that something was different, that there were other forces around me, influencing me and becoming part of my own individuality.
At this point I started watching my feelings and how I reacted towards these forces.
I noticed that the forces were coming from the opinions of others, and that I was a small speck, containing an immensity of knowledge and wisdom within myself.
I noticed that life was there to be lived in a fully conscious way. From twenty one to twenty eight I was able to see a bigger picture of life.
I was able to understand PROJECTION from others and how it interfered with my own freedom of mind. I realised I was moving towards developing adulthood. I was slowly becoming my own light. A light where beauty, truth, health, wisdom where expanding into a transformation of conscious awareness. Only the road was full of bumps and obstacles’ from others and there was no one competent to give the correct advice that I needed so much. The need to experience peace connected to the inner wisdom of my heart was becoming evident.
I was now opening and helping the wheels of the lotus flowers spin in the direction of love. I noticed that the representation of the different chakras within myself had become a symbol of crystal clear water like a cascade in a water fall, flowing and purifying the body. The wisdom about projection and sensitivity that I learnt up to this point, it’s meaning was becoming apparent; that it needed to be observed from a distance with detachment.
“The reflection of your soul upon mine is a mirror of my internal status.” As I get the courage to move aside your reflexion without blame, and look at myself in the comfort of my space, then and only then will I understand its true meaning?
These words were words of wisdom from my higher self. The suggestion took me to the depths of my souls. The projections and other energies kept coming slowly towards me. I was able to see the different angles in which life itself was taking my soul. The plateau the soul was willing to reach by crystallizing and finishing all there was to do on such plateau before expanding into other dimensions, which were available to me.
One afternoon I was working solidifying twenty-eight the year of maturity. The year of total love, the year of beauty, contentment, peace, alliance. I knew that very moment that I was expending the horizons towards truth. I was becoming part of the big picture of life. The light inside myself was a beacon of love and expansion, connected to the full understanding of life and projection. The happiness available to me was now TOTAL. I was an individual connected to the cosmos, connected to the forces of life, with the light within myself shining for me, warming my soul with truth, and expending my heart with love.
My life now had a purpose, the purpose was in full swing and the world vision was clear of what I had come upon this planet to do, and what my next evolutionary step was going to be.
From now on life itself was going to be the teacher I was the vassal with which it was going to flow through. “Welcome adulthood” I said to myself and good bye fear of not knowing what my next step is going to be. All I want is to live the NOW of my 28th birthday.