The sacred art of letting everything go is an extremely powerful and transforming practice to explore. By choosing to be completely free from everything, we finally arrive into this now moment and discover the untold secret truth of our divinity. When we actually let go of our attachments and identifications with everything of this world, the great God Source has room to pour through us again. By emptying out ourselves a deeper spiritual connection is instantly found. We then discover what real freedom is all about, and see how all our other versions of freedom we had were limited and illusory.
Letting go of everything can feel like a great death. Without a connection to our spiritual source, the idea of sitting in absolute emptiness with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and nothing to achieve can be deeply terrifying. We may tend to cling to anything that gives us security. Friends, money, food, substances, cell phone, Facebook, yes we can cling to anything! The avoidance of feeling empty can be so normalized, that we don't even realize how it's fueling every single motivation behind what we are doing. It's important to clarify that letting go of everything does not mean we are giving up on manifesting our dream life. It simply means we are releasing any overly tight grip we might have on our sweet and fantastic story of "me". A very special kind of freedom arises when we release all our clinging and identification we have with this large or little "me". We discover a freedom has no borders or limits within it. Jesus In this infinite spiral of Divinity that one moment becomes a heartbreak story and the next a resurrection; I simply surrender to each moment of Divine Love passing through my veins. Such deep love that goes back to Jesus life time, when He also experience such deep love for Mary Magdalene. The story of love is in our hearts and those that do have a special bond to this story it will remain in our hearts until the day comes when every tear is washed away. How can we dismiss the fact that when two people love each other soul to soul, heart to heart, breath to breath, separation becomes a heartbreak story. The pain pierces through the body like a sharp knife, bringing tears to the eyes and pain to the body. Only a resurrection from the deepest part of love can ease such pain. . This love is the vessel of truth, the vessel of acceptance and forgiveness; the vessel of the infinite. We walk upon this earth searching for the missing part of us, that will complete the circle of love. It is the part that defines the totality of our infinite soul. Without that other half life becomes just existence. We need the masculine and feminine sides joined together as a whole unit. Such beauty of perfection completes the picture of two people joined by God as ONE. Find your other half that fits in your half like a glove, no matter how long it takes. Making a difference. Beautiful angels of this earth and communities of this world. I welcome you into the space within my heart where our friendship will grow deeper and deeper, bringing light, wisdom, compassion and burning passionate love from the God within us, to the rest of the population of this World. Our missions are to awaken as many Human Beings as possible between now and the end of 2017. Our joint venture is blessed by the unseen Spirits of light and the Creator of all that is. Join us each day in prayer at 10 am your time no matter where you live in the world. Blessings and love. |
June 2020