![]() MY LOST SOUL My soul became lost and I have been a victim of others since the time I was in the Roman arena being faced with the challenge of concurring the lion or being eaten by the lion. I chose to die rather than put a little more effort into strengthening my faith and trust in the essence of my soul. I could have quite easily tamed the lion, then raised my hands up into the air and demanded to be let go free. Instead I chose to give into the desires of others that wanted to see me die. Since this episode each lifetime I continued to choose others as my guiding light. To allow their power to dominate over the power of my inner feeling, which is the soul or Spirit? Today 4/11/07 I choose to reclaim the power and full essence of my soul. I no longer want others to be the running force of my daily life. The advisers of how I feel or what I do with my life. I know the truth inside myself. I have been a split soul for many years. One personality connected to the soul and the other connected to the human race. Humans are what they are. They follow the rules of society, the church and the government. The truth of the soul will continue to be part of my own existence. It is up to me to live such truth of full potentiality. I know I can reclaim such power. Finally make it my own and build upon it until it becomes the full reality of the Uniqueness that I am. Living such reality will be similar to that moment in the arena. It will be like being given another chance for understanding how magnificently powerful the energy of the soul is. How important this revelation is this lifetime to my existence. I can live this discovery in one go ore take my time to enjoy each moment as it happens, it is up to me to choose. Now that I am fully awake and conscious of the mission and purpose of the soul, it will be easier to live such truth. Avmhart 2007 Honesty is connected to the opening of the heart chakra. The more profoundly honest we are, with ourselves and others. The more the petals of the lotus flower will spin in the right direction. The heart chakra has 1500 petals to spin. So you can imagine the amount of honesty that is needed. By totally owning our feelings the blame stops.
![]() I have been a fan of Heart Meditations since I learned they were for the well-being of the heart. Heart based meditations are extremely helpful. Combining Heart based meditations with affirmations like, "My heart is filling with love or My heart is feeling more and more love" are beneficial as the Heart needs this attention just like a baby needs milk.As the Heart begins to feel more loved by the person the heart will heal, become stronger and a person can change into a kinder more gentle and graceful person. The person will naturally have more peace of mind and joy, enter their lives. Combining the affirmation of love with Wisdom and study is also important. It is important to ensure our environment is loving, the people we associate with are loving and knowing this it is fine to say goodbye to environments, situations and people that don't add to the love our Heart needs. Feel assured that the heart will love you more and also start pumping with a healthier rhythm. ![]() AFFIRMATION Universe I am ready to share the gifts that you gracefully gave me to share with the world. By allowing myself to be seen heard and recognized I am honoring the universe within me. I am the creation of you. ![]() We pray to the Almighty God our creator and loving father that has given us the opportunity to be here upon this precious world, to help us free the people of Gaza from this horribly destructive war; that has no meaning nor kind actions. Dear Lord we are all your children. We know that the POWER of your love is great. Please we ask, with our hearts open with despair to protect and finish such wasted war. Reach the hearts of such people; cleanse their minds from control and false power. Let them see how we are all equally wonderful human beings doing our very best in loving ourselves and others. Amen. Hugs for strength from us at <3 Divine Love <3 ![]() There are so many sad situations happening in the world at the moment. So I want to dedicate this blog towards uplifting the moral of others with our prayers and hugs. God listens and where appropriate gives healing energy for strength courage and perseverance. Group prayer works. Dear Lord, with our humble love and faith we ask of Thee to send healing energy to all the people in the world that are in need of a boost of faith and joy in their hearts. So that whatever they are enduring in this moment will become lighter and more acceptable. Thank you for listening. ![]() I am the ripples of the sand I am the movement of the Ocean I am the abundance of the Universe Yet I am me, silently sweeping through the movement of the charkas. Isolating and pulling away the unnatural forces that are part of this world. I live a life of balance. I live a life of sin. The sin is there to show me were balance needs to be. I love the way life teaches me to be the part I am. The part that integrates the whole and then becomes reality of why I came upon this earth. I return upon this earth because there is infinity and many things I know, I will accept and live. Then others I will absorb the love pattern that I am with this they will remember how wonderful their SOUL reality is. Avmhart ![]() Sweet darling I love you immensely. Your light of hope gave me the comfort to live. Your sincere thoughts brought happiness in the hearts of others. Your feelings were the light of the heart. My dear know how to smile once more. Relive your life full of euphoria and happiness. Even if people did hurt you; forgiver your wounded heart and know that today God loves you. Raise your hand over the heart of love, there the sun shines and the light of peace will accompany you towards God who loves you so much. Relive your dream of love. In the Universe there is one star for you. Follow her and she will take you on the road of your destiny. Avmhart 2014 ITALIAN Dolce cara ti amo immensamente. La tua luce di speranza mi diede il conforto per vivere. I tuoi pensieri sinceri portarono felicita’ nei cuori altrui. I tuoi sentimenti earno la luce del cuore. Mia cara sappi sorridere un’altra volta. Rivivi la tua vita piena di frenesia e felicita’. Anche se la gente ti fece del male; perdona al tuo cuore ferrito e sappi che oggi Iddio ti ama. Prendi la tua mano e porgila sul cuore dell’amore, l’ha il sole brilla e la luce della pace ti accompagnera’ verso Iddio che t’ama tanto. Rivivi il tuo sogno d’amore. Nell’Universo esiste una stella solamente per te. Seguila e lei ti conducera’ al posto del tuo destino. Avmhart 1990 ![]() The beauty of love is when the many blockages to do with love have been removed and only "Divine Love" is present. When this is achieved a relationship with a soul-mate becomes awesome. Clearing out the time lines of all the lives that each one of us has lived upon this earth is achievable. Under the section love I have placed an MP3 that will give you such potential if you are ready to Embody Divine love fully. The possibilities of living a fulfilled life are available this year 2014 which is the year for growth of Spiritual awareness. It is a very special year that making the most of this opportunity will create abundance and happiness in your life. Happiness greater than you ever experienced before. I bless you on your journey towards oneness and infinite possibilities for yourself and family. With all my love. Avmhart ![]() TO DAY I DID A GRATITUDE DAY I remembered each person from the time I was small to now, saw their face and what they did or said to me that made a difference. Than thanked the Universe for allowing such people into my life. My love and gratitude went out to them personally. Closed the session and felt so much lighter. Avmhart. ![]() We are made of energy and the energy of a Master is of such high quality, that he can exchange Divine energies, to me and others, just by breathing in life and then returning life to us. Then together we are life. The entire world hears our cry of joy as our souls connect and our bodies separate, into the distance of a new world. The heart aches and tears multiply, leaving a scar deep and hurtful. We are away from each other; so far away that only love can connect us, into this adventure of oneness. Our wounded hearts of the past see our new dimension radiating out and healing other wounded hearts that want to be together but need to let go so that the upward spiral of life can continue to grow and expand and they also go on the journey of becoming a "Master" Avmhart 1991 ![]() The Soul will continue to exist even after death no matter how YOU LIVE life each times you come here. Do remember that you have free will in choosing. You are the navigator of your life. You may ask. Is there a soul? What is the flavour? How does the ego fit in? Is it possible to imagine that maybe the soul continuously; sets up different situations, thoughts, emotions and knowledge, to give us the opportunity to look at life, and then determine for ourselves; what actions we need to take in order to make our journey as fulfilling as possible, for the soul, the mind and the physical body? We also have other parts of us that create situations that are valuable towards growth. AvmHart How to be true love.
The purpose of this planet is to achieve a desired consistency into the beauty of the soul. The love that radiates from the Cosmos and other individuals, normally hits the various parts of our beingness that is still not complete. That is the purpose of Divine Love. Love comes from awareness rather then understanding. Truth and love combined form a strong bond of endurance to most tragedies. It coincides with the eternal love God has and we have inside ourselves. How do we reach this truth? We reach this truth when “Blame” stops and our awareness starts looking at life from an internal point of view. I ask myself “is there life before death?” and the answer is “YES” Planet earth is a school for the soul. Here the emotions and accumulated stories from the past can be corrected and cleared out to the point of then residing in the soul and its purity of Love. |
June 2020