Hunza vs. the Western Lifestyle
The Hunzas live almost twice as long as the average American – without taking copious pharmaceutical meds, without driving expensive new cars, and without a Whole Foods on every corner of suburbia. They have no suburbia. Just a mountain valley, which is pure, and uncontaminated by modern industrial chemicals, GMO foods, or contaminated water. Their very lifestyle makes you question everything we hold ‘sacred’ in this country. Even at 100 years of age (the American average lifespan is only 70) a Hunza is not considered elderly. 90-year-old Hunza men often father children, and 80-year old Hunza women make Naomi Campbell look geriatric. So what’s their big secret? How do we live more like the Hunza, barring a move to a remote Himalayan village? I allow Archangel Michael to hug me. I release what is left of the trembling sensation of "Not being good enough" I now embrace pure joy, love, compassion, kindness and full potential. And so it is. What do I love about the truth of expansion?
The biggest truth about expansion is: that we go forward alone. No one else can be in the space that we are. We are there only with ourselves. The Universe energy and God's energy can be there with us. The aloneness means only us. I am aware that we are ONE, meaning that consciousness is around us. That consciousness represents the all, some energies are similar to our own consciousness, some different. What does it mean that it is different? When consciousness is consciousness, black is black. That is correct, yet our personal consciousness belongs to each one of us. One day when the collective consciousness is at a different level from now and millions of people are at the same level, then we will have Unified our personal energies into a high collective energy called synchronized consciousness. Until then I am happy to be part of a few souls that are similar in relating with each other. It is a blessing to have such opportunity of loving and sharing our own values, in a way that they are respected. AVMHart DIVINE LOVE
Each person is born a unique fingerprint of God. We are the totality of a multitude of ingredients that together make us who we are. We are born into specific families, in specific places, with challenges as well as the nurturing that we need to learn and grow into who we become. Our true nature is more than a few personality traits, interests and experiences. Beyond all of this we feel a calling, a drive for becoming the ultimate God/Goddess that exists at the core of each human Being. As it is, when reaching this point of our lives that Divine love starts showing up inside of us. No longer will we need love coming from another person, as praise. We will be core love energy, connected to our inner power. Love will shine out and, people will become attracted to our energy field, miracles and bliss appear as part of our daily life. Alessandra Thought of the day
FORGIVENESS Fear condemns and love forgives. Forgiveness thus undoes what fear has created. For this reason forgiveness can be called salvation. It is the means by which illusion disappears. God is but Love therefore so am I? Whenever I am not totally joyous I have reacted with a lack of Love to one's of Gods creations. In such moment my understanding is missing. There are many opportunities that I receive and not yet understand. Forgiveness comes from the giving of LOVE. My love and heart is here for YOU. A. hart This Hierarchy works with Love, cherishes who you are, and has been able to see through the time mechanisms that are keyed into the planet to know that consciousness is ready for the evolutionary leap.
There are 144,000 members of the spiritual hierarchy who are infused in the grid work of the planet at this time. Each master has its own seal that represents one portion of the Language of Light, and you have 144,000 seals of energy that will eventually be infused within your being. To start with, you will work with the twelve forms that the body will be able to hold. Much later, once the transformation has occurred, there will be an infusion of the entire 14-1,000 symbolic language structures through your being. That will be an unfoldment that cannot even be explained in this lifetime. This mutation is a process unfolding within you that will allow you to move into another realm of experience. Each person on the planet has the potential to move through this mutation. Many will stop the process because they do not have the desire to align themselves with higher consciousness. When you are aware of who you are, that is one thing. When you become aware of the Divine Consciousness that seeds this planet - an intellect that is vast, loving, and works with you - and when you call to that consciousness and ask to be a portion of it, that is when you are implanted with the geometric forms.. ~ The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak EMBODIMENT OF LOVE. We are experiencing the most important time of our history on earth therefore it is extremely important for us to rise above fear, judgment and disharmony. Our collective inner harmony plays a major part to determine our global harmony and how smooth or rough this shift will be for all of us. One of the major endings took place in 2016 and now we are starting a new nine year cycle. This year 2017 living from the vibration of the 5th dimension and ascending to a multidimensional existence is going to become an easier process connected to understanding the science, technology and the spiritual aspect of our ascension process. This year we are also faced with living "The Divine Human" Two major forces are coming together as an unprecedented Divine forces, divine teachings, divine unfoldment, and divine power. This magical energy is at this moment {January 2017} flooding our planet, with a magical energy of growth, giving us the possibility of waking up to this greater divine power, that never before was seen upon this earth. It is definitely a major happening, uniting the masculine qualities with the feminine compassion, wisdom and love. This unfolding is a precious gift that the Creator is offering each one of us. It is a powerful mission that we have been given and "WE" can choose to embrace such happening. Avmhart. The importance of the Uniqueness of each one of us.
Our Uniqueness is to do with the gifts that we have been given at birth and then developed to the full potential. Without our Uniqueness, millions of people will miss out in receiving the specialty that we are. The Unique energy is what they are looking for, the soul knows. Please remember how important you are and give without fear of being different. It is your difference that is SPECIAL and desirable by your apprentices. Millions of drops of water create an ocean. Alessandra Hart Words are all around us all we need do is listen. There was total silence inside myself when the words of the soul appeared inside my mind. The words were kind, pointing to the direction of a new step towards the future. The project was called the "Akashic records and knowledge". I was surprised to hear a task different from any of the previous ones. I listened attentively while dismissing any other distraction. As the voice got clearer, I became aware of the importance of the message. The melody of the words were letting me know that now, 2017 was a time when people, are ready for a deeper level of awareness regarding their soul. From the beginning of time to now the different lives of the soul upon this earth have been written in the Akashic records. Human beings now can access such information from the records. The knowledge contained in the records, is part of our personal truth. Each time we see, hear or know what the information in records is; such information becomes beneficial, towards the growth and achievement of our highest human potential of the soul. Your Divine guides are waiting to share with you such information contained in the Akashic Library. And so it is when you say "YES" to your divine guides. A.Hart Many centuries ago the WORD became creation. Now our minds are filled with TV adds, newspapers, other people opinions and so forth, therefore the power and intention needed to manifest has diminished. No longer are we able to say or think the WORD and see it manifest.
We can return to this state of awakening, we can silence the mind from injected opinions. We can once more remember the greatness of our cosmic essence. We are powerful beings, with a conscious that can tell the difference between right and wrong. Between a decision or desire that brings happiness to all the cell in our body and one that is heavy and separate from the soul. Let us learn how to harness energy towards a positive creation of possibilities, using thoughts, intentions and choices to narrow down such possibilities into probabilities that resonate with our intimate selves. This way we can direct the energy and information to solidify and materialize a positive outcome. We need to lean to rise above traditional models around working hard to succeed in manifesting our dreams. Live your life with standards that you desire. Have a clear picture of what your purpose is. Become the living essence of your full potential and then see life become a living magical en-devour. God bless. Alessandra Hart The colour blue….rise says the little rabbit to the child, you have arrived. A field full of flowers of various colours, a small child enjoying the rays of the sun, from a nearby window. A rabbit eating happily in the field. Remember the beauty of an infant, his serenity and curiosity of the different forms, shapes and colours that he meets for the first time. His mind is open to receive without judgment. His eyes move from one corner of the room to the other eager to become part of this great new vastness. How the mother moves in front of him and how she looks. Each thing becomes of interest while creating fear in how big it looks. His tiny body wants to stay awake for fear of missing out in all this vastness. He cries for attention, wants to be picked up so he can see better. Why am I so small? He thinks to himself. A pause, now the only feeling that he has is the mum's energy caressing his body, penetrating his soul understanding the language of the bond that has formed between each other. It is a deep bond of connection, of remembrance from a previous life. Of remembrance of when as a soul, he saw such parents and knew that they were the ones he needed. Now finally they were together as a deep bond of a journey that belonged to this family. A bond that needed to be discovered day by day. He read the energy once more than contented of having arrived at his destination, hugged in the arms of his mum fell asleep. Alessandra Hart |
June 2020