![]() Respect who you really are and withdraw from the game of greed, antagonism, suppression and superiority. Replace it with…..God is within me and God is kind, loving, caring, just, and honest. Then give yourself permission to choose which you want to live. Living one or more qualities per day helps with having happiness in ones life.......It makes you feel good. God bless. ![]() Today I had an inspiration, to share how I see my unity with the love of my life. Loved one, where ever you are, who ever you are, my heart is here waiting for you. I promise that we will be creative, kind and generous to each other. I promise that our white light together will become a gorgeous light of love. Together we know what to say and do to make each other be fulfilled. We are joyful and serene. We embrace cherish all that we are as an individual because together we are ONE-NESS. And so it is. Avmh 2014 ![]() Abbiamo l'intenzione di fare l'amore, semplice soluzione per effettuare completa soddisfazione. “Parole, parole, sono opportune ma rimangono solo una espressione della mente. L’espressione dell’anima richiede il silenzio, lasciando che, l’energia stessa invada il nostro corpo creando l’esperienza del momento.” ![]() Do you remember any time……when you gave up a job or situation to follow your most inner voice? Were you aware how many doors opened after you made such decision? And how joyful you became for having followed that inner voice? We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn. As we become willing to learn life gives us opportunities connected to us personally, that way the Uniqueness can rise to the surface and then live a life of magic. May every day be a new horizon towards the totality of your "I AM" presence. 99% of the postings are written by me. ![]() Conclusion of the 3 States of consciousness. Basically we find ourselves operating in one of these three levels of consciousness. Anytime you see something in another person that you dislike, and that quality makes you angry or upset, you can be sure you have that same quality in some form or and other. On the other hand, if you see something in a person which you admire, you have that in you as well. The key idea in all of this is to come to understand yourself. You may think you can get away from your troubles by moving to another city. This does not work because the situation is inside you, in your state of consciousness. When you move you simply take it with you. All you change is the environment. The best thing to do, no matter where you are, is to sit down, find out what is bothering you and start to clear your internal house out. To find yourself, it is necessary to discard many things we have been taught. We must stop looking outside ourselves for help. The answer to any situation is "Self-understanding" so begin by looking inward. You are the most important person to yourself. If you don't do it, no one will do it for you. Cont. Second kind.![]() Continuation Second "Semi-intellectual "Continuing from yesterday's description is the person that is running his life with addictions. He will continue to do anything to escape the feeling part. He is opinionated, thinking that his way is the only way to do things. This person needs to acknowledge his feelings to himself and bring out the real inner man. He cannot decrease the area of his conscious, thinking mind, but he can develop his feelings so that the two will be balance. Now let us move on to the third. Third state of consciousness.![]() This type of consciousness is called the "Unbalanced Feeling" This type of person has also read only half of the book of life, the feeling half. He has left out the thinking part. By perceiving life from this state of consciousnesses direction is lacking. there is an abundance of feeling and energy, but he tends to bounce from one thing to the next without purpose or accomplishment. This is the person who knows, but is not aware of how to live. He is eager to help others, but he leaves himself out. You may hear him say, "I can help others but find it hard to help myself". Because the interpretation for his feelings, is lacking, he needs to protect himself in case people will take advantage of him. In the long run, someone will unless he learns to balance his conscious and subconscious mind. Basically we find ourselves operation in one of these three levels of consciousness. How would you like to know where you are? Try this: Think of five of your best friends. Analyze their character. Match your five friends to the three states of consciousness. The area where most of them fit is likely the area in which you are also operating. I gave you a lot to think about for today. Some more tomorrow. God bless. ![]() The second state is known as the "Semi-Intellectual," It is the man who has read only half of the book of life, the intellectual half. He has left out most of the feelings.. This is symbolized by the well developed intellect or conscious mind. This man could help design a ship that could travel to the moon, or solve complicated mathematical problems, but when it comes to being with himself and having feeling, he has a lot of fears. The "Semi-Intellectual" is the type who wants everything proven to him. He must understand things down to the finest detail. Do you know people like this? Maybe you're married to a person like this. The main thing is he likes to have things proven to him. He looks for a system, that will give him a sense of control over the situation. this he can understand. Feelings present another picture. He will accept only a small portion of the feelings within himself, because they frighten him. Feelings cannot be put in "ticky-tacky" boxes so he is lost as to how to deal with them. Tomorrow I may go on a little more about the second state of consciousness. Have the most magical and fulfilling day. Blessings. <3 Divine Love <3 ![]() There are three basic levels of consciousness, and we exist in one of these three states at any one time. The first and highest level is known as the "Balanced state" A man who is in balance has a thought for every feeling and a feeling for every thought. He/She moves by wisdom. He/she knows where he comes from, where he is going, and his purpose. Furthermore, he will not permit anything to stop his progress. He/she is the only person who can keep himself from being successful. The second state of consciousness will be revealed tomorrow. I wish you all a great weekend. I AM THAT I AM THAT I AM![]() Whenever I feel overwhelmed by an experience and the strength that is required is lacking, towards the necessary crossing over to a newer level of awareness “I say.” I am, that I am, that I am. That immediately gives me the strength to continue to listen to the Voice of the Soul. Does wards neutralize the negative energy by; stopping me from becoming identified with the experience. ![]() ANGELS They shine and dance while help you grow. We are the Lights of the Universe, angels say. Look up and see us Shine, call us and we are there. Stay with us and we will guide you to your true home and destination. Love that power within you, Angels continue to say, Look at the deepest center inside of you. Find yourself, find love, find God, and then come home with us. You are born a SOUL with a physical body. Avmhart ![]() THE EASY WAY OUT. By acknowledging and makeking public that all people are good, only circumstances make us believe that the other person is at fault, when in actual fact we ourselves are the ones that create the situation and then, all we see is what the other person has done to us rather than what we have created in order to learn. This is a very difficult statement to accept and confront by taking full responsibility for the happening in our own life. LOVE![]() Open up your heart and let the flavour in. Be brave and game, go with it all. Can you see how desirable it all is? How much your body is asking for it? Let the fears go and follow your Heart and body to the man that opens the door, to the enchantment of love and intimacy, Avmhart ![]() A long time ago very few people talked to us angels. Now 2014 more and more are actually speaking to us consciously and with happiness. We are pleased of having become, their friends and co creators of their wishes, that are so relevant to the upgrade, towards the reality of who they are. We angels are thankful for this major shift. We can do more. We can also help with the healing of your human body and the earth, the waters of the oceans, the animals and so on. Every action is possible as a group. All you need do is ask us to cooperate with the beliefs that are dear to your heart. We angels can get help from other Celestial beings, then together we can materialize your most intimate goals. Do give us some work to do. Remember you have free will and interfering by us is out of the boundaries of humans. We love each one of you that has become our friend and believer. Keep spreading the word about personal angels. Which is different from all the Archangels from other Realms? God bless each one of you. Your personal angels. Just a bit of fun to lighten up the day, hope you don't mind, nor get offended. Just snap shots.![]() The stars and the moon see my mind. The love inside me sees the air. Then comes an obstacle, that clears the passion for writing from the heart. The mind comes in, once more and interferes, but love continues to expand wanting to reach the full creation of itself. Why then does the mind and ego want to dominate? I am a soul and love is what makes my energy grow. Yet so many interferences are present, in the now and in the past. Oh God of love hear my prayer asking you pardon for my despair. |
June 2020