![]() Conclusion of the 3 States of consciousness. Basically we find ourselves operating in one of these three levels of consciousness. Anytime you see something in another person that you dislike, and that quality makes you angry or upset, you can be sure you have that same quality in some form or and other. On the other hand, if you see something in a person which you admire, you have that in you as well. The key idea in all of this is to come to understand yourself. You may think you can get away from your troubles by moving to another city. This does not work because the situation is inside you, in your state of consciousness. When you move you simply take it with you. All you change is the environment. The best thing to do, no matter where you are, is to sit down, find out what is bothering you and start to clear your internal house out. To find yourself, it is necessary to discard many things we have been taught. We must stop looking outside ourselves for help. The answer to any situation is "Self-understanding" so begin by looking inward. You are the most important person to yourself. If you don't do it, no one will do it for you. Comments are closed.
June 2020