Dearest devoted and supportive friends, I thank and love you so much. My life at the moment is focused on the animals so have very little time to dedicate to this website and the face book. I ask to be excused, do stay in touch from time to time and I will do the very best to place new MP3's here for you to use. With all my love and gratitude. AvmHart. My prayers and blessings will continue to reach you as the days go by.
In numerology a number one or ten is a leather and also a person that likes to be part of team work. Uniting people together that have the same goal or mission creates extreme pleasure to a number one person. What number are you? The simplest way to find your number is by adding the day then the month followed by the year. Each number needs to be added singly like this. 14/07/1984 1 + 4 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 34 then 3+4=7 So this person's personal number is a seven which makes it a spiritual number where the person will learn to go within themselves and become aware about the soul and its gifts. The sadness of the world can be uplifted by creating an inner space for love for others. Their individuality is unique to them. They are able to see the beauty of their Uniqueness. We can learn to accept the all in others. Then together we can be a team of loving souls. Rather than……….. souls. Let us create this type of world. Where we support one an other, in sorrow and pain. Then love can blossom out of kindness for each other. AvmHart As I switch the lights off before going to bed, happiness is in my heart. Love is filling my life with beauty. The plans for the future written by the mist of the window are not important. Since life passes swiftly by making each moment all that I need. Good night magnificent friends that bring fun and laughter into my life each moment our sharing touches' our hearts. Do you feel that your purpose is to listen to that love that speaks through you when you are willing to receive? Enter the silence of your inner knowing. Receive visions and guidance, take action on what you receive. Be open to the possibilities of life. Stay centered at all times, while receiving and giving love to yourself and others. You are the continuation of what was and now is more than ever before. The time of love is here to demonstrate the wonders of you as a united cluster. Your happy spirit can raise and even transform the lives of others. Feel that energy raising from the earth into your body surfacing blocked emotions needing to be transmuted into love or compassion. The cleansing, purifying and raising the vibration of your body is important, to be carried out now, thus giving your luminosity a greater possibility to be seen by others. You are the wonders and beauty of this earth. AvmHart I am grateful for the amazingly magnificent spring we are having. For the love I receive each day and the beauty that surrounds me. Daily I choose to open myself to more wisdom, love, kindness and compassion or something grater and so it is. As we move into the consciousness of oneness we move into creation. From this point miracles begin to happen on a moment to moment bases. We no longer feel alone. Being at One with all things, brings joy and happiness into our lives. The mind likes to keep us in thinking that we need something when in actual fact we have all we need when we live in oneness and gratitude. AvmHart. Good morning beautiful souls of this world. Your love is great and I welcome it into my heart. Together we will expand such love to the entire existence. Our never ending Divine energies will become our daily gift to the world. The beauty of love is that it carries such high vibration and that vibration expands in our body sustaining and cleansing it, while manifesting magic in our lives. <3 Love heals the environment. It can bring peace in the hearts of others. <3 Sending love each day by keeping this picture energized will become a great gift to humanity and its existence. <3 Blessings.....with love and light........Precious wonderful friends. AvmHart |
June 2020