![]() "I now allow the Divine Light to download from the Quantum, higher parts of me, that have been waiting for my state of consciousness, to be ready to receive these higher parts. This Divine light belong to a greater manifestation of my Divine essence. As I allow the integration, to enter every cell of my Being, the light starts cleansing the physical body and the environment from residues of negativity from my past or other members of my family. The process becomes simple and effortless, thus making it possible to live from a higher state of consciousness Thank you Universe for this new experience of Divine Light." AvmHart
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![]() Sometimes a situation may seem disturbing and talking about it positively seem like a lie, but it is not true. There is beauty and opportunity in everything if we become willing to look deeper into the meaning of life that has presented us with such moment. In the past I have found that each time my view point made a situation negative it turned out to be very positive. Our inner self knows our next step so much better than our reasoning does. Trust what you are given even when it looks so dark and impossible to understand under the correct light. AvmHart ![]() Sometimes standing in front of a mirror undressed, makes it difficult to say lovely words to the body that we are looking at. Loving the body is important. It is the vehicle of the soul and the soul reflects itself on the body. So what we see is part of the soul's essence and beauty. Your soul is eternal therefore its fragrance and beauty are present each lifetime. How, then can we judge it as horrible, too fat, too wrinkly or not perfect? We can improve the appearance of the body with effort, the proper food and care. It still represents the internal beauty of the soul. When realizing these words as truth we start to see such body under a different light. <3 Then loving the body becomes possible. AvmHart. ![]() As we embraced each other we knew immediately that our souls united in an energy of intense love and unity of soul. The unity was so strong that nothing was going to tear us apart. The vibration staid inside ourselves joining together all other part. We became one core soul with passionate flame energy embodying our entire individuality. Our neutralization lasted for infinity. Yet once more life separated us so that later the upwards spiral could once more be joined together in a greater potentiality of oneness of core soul. AvmHart ![]() LOVE IS PART OF ME AND I AM PART OF LOVE. THE UNIVERSE SMILES ON ME AND I AM THE UNIVERSE. LOVE SHINES OUT OF ME AND LOVE RETURNS TO ME. I AM THE GRATITUDE OF MY LIFE. LIFE CARESSES ME WITH ITS BEAUTY. SO GOOD NIGHT MAGICAL FRIENDS OF GOD. AvmHart ![]() · The beauty of animals is that they share wisdom, love, kindness, affection and friendship each day. They are grateful for what humans give them and the bonding becomes deep and meaningful. Children grow up stronger and more balanced with animals around them. May your day be blissful. ![]() Each of us holds the power to have a profound impact in our world regardless of our current life circumstances. And when we come together, and take a stand for greater levels of goodness, care and wellbeing, there is simply no stopping us! Your magnificence is rippling out touching people that we do not know. We hold this natural power and light within us and now has come the moment when freely and confidently are able to share our state of consciousness with the world. <3 Blessings with all my love <3 AvmHart ![]() "We are here to expand and grow into the Authenticity of our true Potential, by feeling and knowing who we are, without fear that keeps us stuck. The core energy is connected to our "I AM" presence" AvmHart ![]() TODAY. The blue energy is helping us dive deep into wholeness. Today the Universe is showing us how we can integrate the different parts thus letting go of duality. The male and female in each of us can be joined together by the magical blue light. The inner and the outer as well. As in the Spirit world so can this be on earth. All these separate parts can be brought together with today's Cosmic energy. Visualize yourself bathe in the blue energy, make a wish that all your parts be brought together as one. Then allow the energy do its work and you carry on with your day. AvmHart ![]() It is safe for me to take charge of my own life. I choose to be free (asthma) I am love I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others with love. (Arthritis feeling unloved, criticism, resentment.) I choose to love life. My channels of joy are wide open. It is safe to receive. (Cholesterol) I relax and allow my mind to be peaceful (cramps) I see with love and joy (eyes) I take in life in perfect balance. (Lungs) I am peaceful with life. (Neck) It is safe for me to take charge of my own life. I choose to be FREE. From Louise Hay book. ![]() I am willing to change and so I ask God in the name of Jesus to give me the strength to change and face the challenges that are needed in order for change to take place. I am willing to change. I am open to change. I NOW release the need for POWER and CONTROL. I am willing to live the purpose of each lifetime I find myself upon this Planet so as to grow into eternal LIGHT. My life is filled with similar beings as myself. ![]() For many years I went to others for my moral support, then I discovered that the Empress has advice and moral support for me, so it was time to welcome her into my life, then together we could adventure towards becoming a team. She is white, she is powerful. She rests between my physical and etheric bodies. She protects my physical. She resembles the beauty of my ancestors. She lives in the world of love and peace. She gives freely to the beauty of the Soul. Myself and a friend experienced this wonderful spiritual reality that lights up the world with a deeper beauty than before. While a have this white light near my physical body no man nor women can enter and rob me of my physical powers. No more sexual encounters with the opposite sex without being fully conscious of the beauty of my soul. My personal strength will remain intact and no unwanted desire can enter the body, taking away the white light and making it theirs in order to fulfill and GRATIFY their misused power. I accept this love from myself while reaching a higher understanding of life. I want to love every part of me even the darkest. Negative thoughts will stop me from being in the grace of my inner Empress, and the energy of white light misplaced once more. AvmHart. ![]() Working with the Cosmic energy each month has become like an adventure into the deepest part of myself. Some months it was harder than others. Those were the months I benefited the most. The lessons become part of my daily life and with diligence I managed to strengthen all of the weaknesses that continued to follow me around everywhere I went. They stopped following me when I completely surrender, to the moment of learning. Each day I work with my angels, they talk to me continuously and the more I listen, then act, upon the insights, the more I am a winner. I have been stubborn in my life and pride took over many times. The mind especially has been my biggest enemy. For too many years it has ruled over the soul. Taming the mind has been a constant chore that is why working with the Cosmic energy each month has helped me immensely to clear out all of the "knitty gritties" of my past upbringing from family, church society and the environment. It was hard and it took a lot of discipline each month allowing the energy to guide me threw the different pitfalls that existed within me. Each month I regrouped and I could see that the energy was present in my daily life working with the inner part of myself. I was grateful although remembering the anger attacks and rebellion that went on between myself and the Cosmos. It has been worth it believe me. After many years of working with the energy each month now I am a better person. Living the shining me on the outer as well as the inner me. Thank you for allowing me to share my minute thoughts with you. AvmHart. ![]() I am writing down my thoughts. All my life I have been afraid of my father. I idolized him so much. The only thing I was capable of doing was- sulking when hurt, running away, withdrawing within myself and becoming totally afraid of him. He was a gentle creature, that became extremely violent when drunk or provoked. I loved him so much yet I feared him. He loved me yet refused to listen and acknowledge my opinion. He was such a wonderful man. He was a provider for the family. He was doing his own thing without realizing the stress he was putting the family under. How can I stop all the patterns that are connected to the way my father was? I realize parental upbringing rubs off onto the kids. How many things did I copy from my dad? Now is the perfect time for clearing out unwanted " baggage" from past experiences. Use the mp3's on this website they are there for you, free. AvmHart |
June 2020