This is a time to act on what you already know in your heart to be right. Listen to the prompting of your inner knowledge. Opportunity for growth is at hand. You have come this far, do not stop now. If you feel resistance, you can ask yourself.......who or what you have allowed to control your life......Remember, there are choices and your Higher Self will always give you the most perfect ANSWER. God bless you. High energy is available to you today. Act from your own authority, unseen forces are working in your favor. Use this day to manifest changes that you truly want. Is someone around you abusing his or her power? How are you allowing this to affect your life? Claim your own power. Giving away your power is to give away your strength. Have a great day. Dearest Beloved, did you have a perfect enjoyable Easter?
Is it not amazing about the Cross of the alignment of the planets!!! Life is certainly getting more and more interesting. The Universe is showering us with such powerful energies of love and accomplishment. Be alert, protect your body by raising the vibration with healthy food, fresh air and time off in a silent place for yourself. Many of us are feeling these powerful energies and taking advantage of the gunk that comes to the surface needing to be transmuted into love. God bless you all, see you tomorrow. XXX It’s now on fully this week! And what is that you say? Well you are all about to have your energy patterns hit by the Libran full moon to rebalance your lives! New ideas are going to form in your mind and you will plan to see a better life for yourself during the next 6 months starting next Tuesday next week 15th April! Now here is another piece of good news! On Tuesday 29th April it’s a new moon in Taurus, basically that’s materialistic, so you can have 3 wishes from the gene bottle for more money, better career and a happy healthy body. Eclipse cycles are 19 years approx so see if you can see the changes in your life around 1995. I remember it well as I had a great trip overseas to Europe. What did you do? A lunar Eclipse this Tuesday at 5.42 PM will stir your emotions, maybe bring tears of joy into your life and be ready for the nicest time to have with your partner. What new partnership deal do you want in your life? Watch for Mars in the night sky. Mars looks like a bright red star, it shines with a steadier light than the twinkling stars. Mars now rises in the east early evening (about 7pm at the moment). Mars is at its closest to Earth in six years (April 14th) & is together with a fabulous Total LUNAR Eclipse (April 15th)... On a two event special occurring within hours of one another, Mars will make its closest approach to Earth during the overnight hours of Monday April 14th. Thus making it seem like a dazzling fiery red star in the sky. The magnitude of its brightness will match the star Sirius, which is the most luminous of all the stars. Then, just a few hours later - during the afternoon hours just before sunset of April 15th (in Australia) - a total lunar eclipse will occur of the Full Moon, so that a reddish lunar orb will be visible at Sunset/Moonrise as the Moon rises.
Today energy contains a mixture of energies; from the past, the present and future. You may ponder on all or some.
My insight was I see the light, has a new and deeper meaning for me. I am so grateful that nothing is lurking in the shadows, so I can enjoy the experience of today's present time. God bless you all, have a nice day. Challenge yourself with the idea that love is within you so also is health, abundance, joy and prosperity. Why then is there lack in your life? Are you allowing the higher energies of Core Self explode and reside inside all of you?
I leave you with these few thoughts. Lots of love Alessandra Health with inspiration. The health of a body starts with the perfect communication between yourself and the body. “A healthy mind is a healthy body” is also extremely important. Watching what you eat and respecting the wishes of the body without the mind interference is important. The body’s intelligence and rejuvenation in a natural way, consisting of all the knowledge it has gained over the millions of years of life, is a valid point to consider. It’s wise restructure we are just starting to understand with the mind. Allowing the body to speak to you in its brilliance can become beneficial towards complete health. There is no need to fear health issues; each one can be isolated in the correct category, then identified if related to a subconscious imprint from the past. Enjoy the free eBook I am offering you for reading this blog.
A day of reflection; a day of questioning yourself. Am I happy with my life as is right now? What can I change? Ponder upon the present moment as is, allowing thoughts or emotions to surface. Tasting the flavor then noticing where the pain in the body is. Stay in the reflecting energy of the today, write down what you notice and be willing to change what no longer serves you for the highest good of all. Here is a poem written a long long time ago. I saw a man and a woman cover themselves with rags, together holding hands, confront together the sorrow of life, and remain covered with love for all the eternity of that day started while holding hands. Hi everyone. I finally found out how to have fun on this blog. My passion and bliss is talking to the angelic realm. So what I am going to do is give you a theme or massage each day from this wonderful world of angels. Today the message I received is love. There is a flood of love coming from the universe Inhale that love with each breath you are taking. Be aware of this love and by the end of the day your cellular system would have purified immensely. Love all of you. We went on holidays and the Koalas were plentiful. So I decided to take a picture of this magnificent and rear creature that lives from exclusive leaves in Australia. Enjoy the beauty. Today the tears were plenty. I saw into the distance the pain of others. It touched my heart and I cried. Mentally I hugged the people while sending healing love. I wanted this blog to be interesting and full of joyful articles. I let you, the readers down.
Has any one a fun article to post on this blog? Comment from a person that wrote to me. Dear Alessandra, How are you? I was reading a few more of your articles and noticed how rewarding they were to my soul. "Including the other person’s perception and way of expressing themselves, is a valid acceptance." I am learning a lot from you, and I would like to thank you for responding to my message. Life is a wonderful teacher, each moment it inspires us to view the occasion differently than before. The people that come across our path are to stimulate or enjoy what we already posses within ourselves. The growth of evolution depends on each one of us. We can stagnate or open our mind and soul to a bigger picture of life without rejection. Kind regards, Robert. The energy of snow can purify our vibration and bring enormous joy inside ourselves. It's beauty can create miracles because we become relaxed, grateful while the imagination rises with ease. Take a holiday where snow exists. Give yourself the gift of love.
June 2020