EMBODIMENT OF LOVE. We are experiencing the most important time of our history on earth therefore it is extremely important for us to rise above fear, judgment and disharmony. Our collective inner harmony plays a major part to determine our global harmony and how smooth or rough this shift will be for all of us. One of the major endings took place in 2016 and now we are starting a new nine year cycle. This year 2017 living from the vibration of the 5th dimension and ascending to a multidimensional existence is going to become an easier process connected to understanding the science, technology and the spiritual aspect of our ascension process. This year we are also faced with living "The Divine Human" Two major forces are coming together as an unprecedented Divine forces, divine teachings, divine unfoldment, and divine power. This magical energy is at this moment {January 2017} flooding our planet, with a magical energy of growth, giving us the possibility of waking up to this greater divine power, that never before was seen upon this earth. It is definitely a major happening, uniting the masculine qualities with the feminine compassion, wisdom and love. This unfolding is a precious gift that the Creator is offering each one of us. It is a powerful mission that we have been given and "WE" can choose to embrace such happening. Avmhart. Comments are closed.
June 2020