Being compassionate to oneself. Taking time out for one self, becomes a valuable commodity rather than the word "Selfish". How can we give to others if we ourselves are depleted? Especially mothers with little children, that all day are giving with so much compassion, love and understanding. When the well within runs dry, unless replenished first, giving becomes stressful. Most of us have been brought up to give and give to the family members, the church, the next door neighbors, and everyone else that we meet. Giving to oneself is a new concept. Therefore taking time to go on a holiday alone, in nature or at the beach, gives the body a chance to refill itself, then it can give again, with a smile on the face. The new woman that is fully connected with her inner self and the core energy, knows what to do, knows how to listen to her own body, how to love herself and others with the same intensity. How to see the light of the soul in others, rather than the faults of the personality and the darkness in the aura. When darkness appears, she knows how to comfort the individual without judgment, pity, disgust or rejection. She comforts the person by listening, allowing the pain to move on. She is not going to get identified with the situation at hand. She will heal the child or man, or friend with her own light of compassion, with her own Divine intervention. Her main focus becomes the soul light of the person that in this moment is in need of feeling loved and understood for how the situation is being lived in the moment. She puts the personality of the person aside, by going deep into the core issue, then bringing relief, fulfillment and an AHA moment to the person she is listening too. Women are Goddesses and Priestesses with this seed inside that can be reawakened whenever the woman is ready. Peace and love. AvmHart Comments are closed.
June 2020