Greetings from the Crystalline Matrix energy grid. This month is continuing to bring us the vision of a greater potential of abundance, integration and visualization of our personal and global goals.
The Crystalline energy is helping us transform old patterns, attract new solutions, manifest our desires and take actions toward our goals and visions and to step into our own power. Break free from old beliefs that no longer serve us and learn to design our life using science-based simple and powerful tools and processes that are being down loaded and upgraded from the Crystalline Matrix. So keep in mind the month of May with all the benefits and energies that are offered to you. Align your energy for finances, career, relationships and personal growth, now is the right time. Integrate and harmonize the energy and influence of the planets, the sun, the moon and major stars. Integrate and harmonize the energy of the 12 astrological houses for your zodiac group. Learn to use all of what it is given to us each month, day, week and year. We are being blessed with so much love, guidance and support from all directions. Have a blessed week. AvmHart Comments are closed.
June 2020