As I opened the window to my soul, out came magic for myself and others. The air was fresh it contained the existence that surrounded the soul. The beauty became a magical fascination of what life was about. The soul was happy that all of this existed in the material world. For centuries the soul was accustomed only to the beauty of Spirit. This earth was different, it was a world of form, touch, feelings, emotions and most of all beauty, tinged with color. Today was a very special day, the soul was ready to take a new step forward into a different dimension, called the physical becoming. This new becoming consisted of stepping into Consciousness itself, expressing itself into Body, Mind and Spirit. This was consciousness a state that was not yet so in the physical form. The idea became exciting, the body knew that the preparation and commitment was one of intense focus and meaning. This intervention was not to be taken lightly. It was an activation, in Master Consciousness. From the depths of my heart I knew that the commitment needed to be clearly defined in writing regarding my desired state that I wanted to access towards my next level of joy, peace and prosperity within all of my bodies. Gratitude, precision and clarity were required. So we continued on this road of discovery for the rest of the day, knowing that more information was going to become available as the day drifted into night slowly. It had a defined purpose of what the soul intended to create with the rest of the bodies. Pleasure transmitted itself inside of me because I knew that it was something greater than I had ever done previously. The message from the soul was loud and clear, repeat three times "I am whole and complete within my God Self" What was happening on this day. became important in establishing the integration of Divine consciousness. Fear was present because I could see the vastness of this intention of pure Beingness. The light was in front of me asking me to take the step into the stillness of this pure white energy of Love. My angels were present backing my decision and comforting the fear. We moved forward one step at the time, as the body became invisible and only my soul energy was present. Suddenly the doing stopped, revealing that all of the bodies needed to transcend into the consciousness of Beingness. This very moment I felt calmer, knowing that my body and mind were strong enough to sustain such powerful energy that was unbounded and eternal. Written 2014 AVMHart Comments are closed.
June 2020