Expectations. Even when the energy is subtle, which means it is deep down into the subconscious, the reaction to a situation can show us that we have the energy of expectation. When that energy rises to the surface the flavor is clearly pointing to the persons intent which was of expecting a certain result from the people involved in the momentary experience. Sometime when that happens the mind can be tricky and go into a revenge mode, which is pointing in blaming others, rather than taking the responsibility that expectations were in the background of the original action. When the action or words were first said, the truth was hiding. Such truth becomes evident only during the experience. The above example is part of how life chooses to awaken people in taking full responsibility in all that happens to them each day. Take responsibility with grace, and understand that our personal life has a lot of clearing to do before the 5D can completely be embraced and lived to the fullest of its potential. Blessings and love. AvmHart Comments are closed.
June 2020