LOVE LETTING GO OF FEAR.We need to remind ourselves constantly that love is the energy that resides inside us. Anything we perceive that does not mirror love is a misunderstanding. Forgiveness by letting go, then, becomes the means for correcting our misperceptions; this allows us to understand how life works. When loving others with the entire concept of them being their UNIQUE selves, we give space to "no blame". When embracing the other person into our mind's eye, gives fuel to, that we are not separate from each other. Then we allow ourselves to experience a sense of unity and-one-ness with each other. Letting go and forgiving does not mean putting up with or tolerating behavior in others that is inappropriate. It means correcting our viewpoint that others are harming us. The unforgiving mind rigidly sees the past and future as the same and is resistant to change. It does not want the future to be different from the past. The unforgiving mind sees itself as right and blames others for their pain. This mind thrives on conflict and will run from the responsibility of life itself. We now have reached a period in our evolution where we realize that change happens each moment of our lives. Therefore going against the current of life becomes a struggle, WORTH letting go off. AvmHart Comments are closed.
June 2020