I cried while this message was dictated from the Spirit world. Every one of you is One with God, incorporated into or enlaced within the Source that is ALL that exists because that is how and where you were created, and separation from that Source is impossible, inconceivable, and utterly out of the question. You are always and eternally One with God. There is nowhere and nothing else. You have just chosen to be unaware of your true nature in order to play games of separation, and the persuasive forcefulness of your state of unawareness has allowed you to invent and play the most horrendous and terrifying games, that have caused you intense and totally unnecessary suffering. It is time to awaken from the unreality of that state of unawareness and to claim your divine inheritance. It enthusiastically awaits your decision to release your fearful hold on the illusion so that you may once again experience the deep and, in your present state of unawareness, utterly inconceivable joy of Oneness with your ever-loving Source. Alessandra Hart Comments are closed.
June 2020