![]() THE OUTLOOK OF THE NEED RATHER THEN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE SOUL For many years my search towards soul awareness has been based from the external point of view. I learnt from different organisations how to reach the soul. Had many counselling session yet there was this constant need. This surprised myself. “why was I not reaching the bottom of the well?” Why was there still more need? Now I know the answer. The constant looking the constant doing was not bringing me closer to the SOUL. It was keeping me from reaching the well. In order for me to actually live the soul I need to go on my own soul journey. My path. The path that no one has travelled on because it is my path. The path is a discovery and only my soul has the road map. No use asking others for direction. They will point in their own direction giving my path a new meaning. This will keep me from reaching the centre of the well and will keep the need alive therefore distancing myself from the bottom of the well and my true road. The road that is based on me actually being there inside the soul energy and from that point living life as it is meant to be lived, each moment experiencing the flavour of my own soul. That tiny speck of light created in the image of the wholeness of the universe and I am contributing in the expansion of its awareness. When I forget to live such potentiality then the contribution coming from me being here on this earth is lost. I can exist upon this earth, the only person that will be in pain will be myself. AvmHart 1997 Comments are closed.
June 2020